[Xymon] PATCH: RRD Graph Colours

Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter at gmx.com
Sat Jan 21 12:19:49 CET 2012

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: White, Bruce
> Sent: 01/20/12 02:52 PM
> To: Malcolm Hunter, xymon-developer at lists.sourceforge.net, Xymon at xymon.com
> Subject: RE: [Xymon] PATCH: RRD Graph Colours
> Can someone supply instructions on how to apply this patch? My 4.3.7 install has the issue.

As Josh replied, it's just a matter of extracting the files and running `patch original.c patch.c.patch` then re-running make and `make install`.

The patches do throw a few non-fatal errors when applied to the Subversion tree (trunk r6890 and branch 4.3.7), so I've attached revised patches (tarball this time).

BBWin Development - The Windows client for Big Brother and Xymon

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