[Xymon] Hobbit Server Summary Report

Ye-Fee Liang yefee.liang at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 00:06:32 CET 2012


    How do you go about getting a summary report of clients that a Hobbit
server is  monitoring and being reported.

For example,
1. how many full clients are there (or how many is a hobbit server
receiving data)?
2. how many client-less clients are there (no clients, only pings)?

My ad-hoc/convoluted approach:
# FULL clients are those sending data and updating netstat.rrd files:
cd $HOME/data/rrd
ls -t */netstat.rrd > file
newer_files  file  TODAY > full_client_list

# client-less are those with up-to-date tcp.conn.rrd files
ls -t */tcp.conn.rrd > file
newer_files  file  TODAY > all_active (full + client_less)
client_less_list = all_active - full_client_list

Thank you,
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