[Xymon] Multiple RRD and STACK graph

Joel Carnat joel at carnat.net
Wed Aug 8 11:09:16 CEST 2012


I have a custom graph definition that takes data (iops) from several RRD files (one file per disk).

Because those disks belong to a RAID array, I'd like to STACK their iops values on a single graph. To get an overview of iops over that RAID array.

I've tried using a single "STACK:rps at RRDIDX@" directive but I got the following error:
"STACK must follow LINE or AREA! command:"

So I used "LINE:rps at RRDIDX@#5C7CDA STACK:rps at RRDIDX@#5C7CDA:Read/sec" but this doesn't really stacks every disks value on top of each others.

I there a way to tell the graph definition to "stack on previous @RRDFN@" or some way to do the sum calculation on a set of @RRDFN@ at once (like CDEF:sum=rps at RRDIDX@,sum,+)? Or do I have to write a static graph definition using the X disk I want to sum up ?


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