[Xymon] Another method to group and categorize hosts - "Building Alternate Pagesets"

Don Kuhlman Don.Kuhlman at schawk.com
Thu Apr 5 21:06:09 CEST 2012

Hello again folks. Today must be my xymon question day.  I just posted a query about re-organizing our xymon structure via a lot of include files, by OS, App, etc.
While researching this, I came across the bit below from the man pages in xymongen.  If I understand this correctly, isn't this another way or the best way to organize hosts in pages without duplicating a lot of host names in different cfg files or over dosing with "includes" ?

Maybe this is only for a specific type of requirement.  Would anyone care to comment further ?


Don K

With version 1.4 of xymongen comes the possibility to generate multiple sets of pages from the same data.
Suppose you have two groups of people looking at the Xymon webpages. Group A wants to have the hosts grouped by the client, they belong to. This is how you have Xymon set up - the default pageset. Now group B wants to have the hosts grouped by operating system - let us call it the "os" set. Then you would add the page layout to hosts.cfg like this:

ospage win Microsoft Windows
ossubpage win-nt4 MS Windows NT 4
osgroup NT4 File servers
osgroup NT4 Mail servers
ossubpage win-xp MS Windows XP
ospage unix Unix
ossubpage unix-sun Solaris
ossubpage unix-linux Linux

This defines a set of pages with one top-level page (the xymon.html page), two pages linked from xymon.html (win.html and unix.html), and from e.g. the win.html page there are subpages win-nt4.html and win-xp.html
The syntax is identical to the normal "page" and "subpage" directives in hosts.cfg, but the directive is prefixed with the pageset name. Dont put any hosts in-between the page and subpage directives - just add all the directives at the top of the hosts.cfg file.
How do you add hosts to the pages, then ? Simple - just put a tag "OS:win-xp" on the host definition line. The "OS" must be the same as prefix used for the pageset names, but in uppercase. The "win-xp" must match one of the pages or subpages defined within this pageset. E.g. www.microsoft.com<http://www.microsoft.com/> # OS:win-xp http://www.microsoft.com/ www.sun.com<http://www.sun.com/> # OS:unix-sun http://www.sun.com/
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