[Xymon] bbd srvs oddity and <procs> config - SOLVED

Jewel Makda jewel.brueggeman-makda at washburn.edu
Mon Sep 12 21:29:43 CEST 2011

On 9/12/2011 11:28 AM, Jewel Makda wrote:
> I have two separate issues.  I am running Xymon 4.3.5
> #1 On my server one of my hosts (Lawprint) it is trying to monitor the 
> bbd service but I have not specified it anywhere.  I checked both the 
> hosts.cfg and my client BBwin.cfg and there in no reference to bbd. 
> Here is what is in my hosts.cfg file:
> Xymon #bbd http://Xymon
> 555.55.55.5 Lawprint #conn cpu msg
I issued the following to drop the bbd monitoring service for my host:
sudo ./bb "drop lawprint bbd"
> #2 How do I configure the BBwin.cfg file to monitor particular 
> processes?  I have the following in my BBWin.cfg file but they are not 
> working.  It is green but it says "No process to check". Other changes 
> I have made do so I know the two are able to communicate.
> ...
> <procs>
>    PROC pc-app.exe
>    PROC pc-server.exe
> </procs>
> ...
I ended up using BBWin GUI to have it generate the code for my processes 
and it generated the following for one of my services.

<setting name="pc-app.exe" rule="+0" comment="PaperCut" />


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