[Xymon] Poll: How many are using the "dispinclude" and "netinclude" options in hosts.cfg / bb-hosts ?

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Sep 9 09:50:48 CEST 2011


I have a question for all of you.

xymongen and xymonnet currently reads the hosts.cfg file from disk when 
they generate the webpages or run the network tests. Ever since the 
"bbgen toolkit" days, these programs have supported an additional type 
of "include" statement in hosts.cfg / bb-hosts: "dispinclude" works like 
"include", but is recognized only by xymongen, and "netinclude" does the 
same for xymonnet.

I am considering removing these options, since that would make it very 
simple to eliminate the need for xymongen and xymonnet to have access to 
the hosts.cfg file - they can just fetch it from xymond, which both of 
them need to talk to anyway.

But before I rip out this code, I would like to know how many are 
actually using it. So if you do use either of these commands in your 
hosts.cfg file, please speak up.


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