[Xymon] RHEL RPM package + SELinux support

Viliam Pucik viliam.pucik at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 21:58:17 CET 2011

For those of you interested in better RPM package with also
experimental SELinux support, there is rpm.patch for RHEL5/6 systems
available at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3437504&group_id=128058&atid=710490
which provides:

* Fixed xymon and xymon-client init scripts based on Fedora/RHEL standards.
* Configuration of init scripts stored in /etc/sysconfig.
* Fixes RPM building warnings.
* Experimental SELinux support - only know issues are not collecting
ifconfig status and showgraph.cgi cannot send data to
/var/lib/xymon/tmp/rrdctl.* (not sure if this is really an issue
because graphs are correctly generated and displayed)

To apply the patch and build RPMs simply download xymon 4.3.5 and
rpm.patch from [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3437504&group_id=128058&atid=710490
-> Attached File] and then:

tar xf xymon-4.3.5.tar.gz
cd xymon-4.3.5
patch -p1 < ../rpm.patch
cp rpm/* $(rpmbuild -E '%_topdir' 2>/dev/null)/SOURCES
cd ..
tar czf xymon-4.3.5.tar.gz xymon-4.3.5
cp xymon-4.3.5.tar.gz $(rpmbuild -E '%_topdir' 2>/dev/null)/SOURCES
cd $(rpmbuild -E '%_topdir' 2>/dev/null)/SOURCES
sed -ie 's/@VER@/4.3.5/' xymon.spec
rpmbuild -bb xymon.spec

At the end you should end up with Xymon RPMs in $(rpmbuild -E
'%_topdir' 2>/dev/null)/RPMS/. SELinux support is in separate RPM
package called xymon-selinux.


Viliam Pucik

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