[Xymon] Android 2.2 App

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Nov 2 22:32:42 CET 2011

Hi Darrik,

this is very nice - I was hoping someone would come up with an Android 
app for Xymon.

I cannot get the swipe to work on my Sony-Ericsson Xperia Mini, though. 
It just doesn't do anything.

One thing I'd really like to see was if it could use the "critical 
systems" instead of the "all non-green" page for data. I understand that 
parsing data off the webpage is problematic, and I am sure we can find 
better ways of feeding this data to an application. And perhaps that 
would be the easiest way to make your app work with different datasets - 
agreeing on a standard (probably XML) way of exporting the data, and 
then having the Xymon server generate this with the data that would 
either go on the non-green page, or the critical systems page, or 
perhaps just data on any given page in the web UI (I have some folks who 
would love to check just their little corner of Xymon via a Smartphone app).

Of course, being able to acknowledge an alert and/or disable it directly 
from my smartphone would also be fabulous ...

(wow, it feels nice to be the one asking for features - I am usually on 
the receiving end of feature-requests :-))


On 02-11-2011 06:11, Darrik Mazey wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I wrote an android app to quickly assess status and issues.  It
> basically parses the non-green view and generates a scrollable report.
> You can swipe each non-green test to open the service page for that test
> in a browser.
> This software is beta, but I'm reasonably certain it parses the
> non-green view for 4.2.3, 4.3.0, and 4.3.4 properly.
> Anyway, hope it's useful to someone.
> Source code is here:
> http://github.com/darrikmazey/XymonQV
> App is here:
> http://market.android.com/details?id=com.darmasoft.xymon
> Feedback is always welcome, as are feature requests, bug reports, and such.
> Cheers,
> Darrik

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