[Xymon] Elegant way to run an aggregate ext test over multiple clients?

Elizabeth Schwartz betsy.schwartz at gmail.com
Wed May 18 03:32:36 CEST 2011

Suppose I have a five-server cluster, and on each server there's a
calculated value, call it Q, and an ext test "qlength" that operates
on Q and returns a color and a message containing Q.

We want to make a server-side test that does some alerting based on
aggregate values of Q across all five servers in the cluster. Not a
combo test, we want to do math, like Sum (Q1...Qn) >Threshold.

*One* way to get Q for each server is to write a server-side ext test
that loops a wget over each host, something like:

       wget  /dev/null

then parse each server's Q info out of the html and do my arithmetic,
but is there a more direct way?

thanks for any pointers clues or code snippets

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