[Xymon] Hobbit-trap won't display traps]

Brian Majeska brian at majeska.com
Fri Mar 18 17:05:14 CET 2011

Hello Josephine,

You mentioned you see the trap in the snmptrapd and snmptt logs.  Try
enabling logging for sec and trap.sh.

You can enable sec logging by updating the OPTIONS2 variable in the
rc.d/rc.sec init script from cerebro so it will look like this:

-input=/var/log/snmp/snmpttunknown.log -log=/var/log/sec-snmp.log"

In the server/ext/trap.sh from cerebro update the last line which calls
trap.pl to append its STDOUT to a log file of your choosing:

/home/hobbit/server/bin/bbcmd --env=$HOBBITCFG $TRAPCLIENT -C -s $3 -t $4 -d
"$1" -m "$5 ($2)" >> /var/log/trap.log

Now you should be able trace the trap's entire journey and see if the status
update sent to Xymon is being formatted correctly.

Brian Majeska

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 4:35 AM, Josephine Tsikoudaki <
jtsikoudaki at ontelecoms.com> wrote:

>  Hello again...
> Has anyone got any idea in how to handle the following? Sorry to bring it
> up again but I haven't found anything to help...
> I am really stuck here...
> Josephine
> Hello all
> I am having trouble receiving SNMP traps from my hosts using the
> implementation of:
> http://cerebro.victoriacollege.edu/hobbit-trap.html
> In details:
> I followed the instructions in my hobbit server. We have several servers
> and some dell DRAC consoles among them. When I enable the snmp alerts
> through the DRAC and send a test alert  I receive the trap and the "trap"
> column is created and the trap message appears.
> When I send a test trap from a server (not a console) i see the trap coming
> in my hobbit-server logs, both from snmptrapd and snmptt, but the trap
> column never appears for this host, the trap is not being displayed and i
> don't see anything in the snmpttunknown log or the ghost client menu of
> Hobbit.
> If it wasn't for the consoles I'd presumed that perhaps the trap.pl or
> trap.sh scripts won't work correctly but given the successful results of the
> method in the DRAC consoles I wonder what can possibly be wrong...
> The servers that I run the tests from all have hobbit client installed but
> I tried also from a server without the client installed, simply sending a
> trap test to the  hobbit server. No results either.
> I would appreciate any suggestions...
> Thanks a lot
> Josephine.
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