[Xymon] Xymon capabilities

Nick Camaldi willowbrookmagic at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 20 14:44:17 CEST 2011

 We have a modem installed and running qpage. we are using ntxqpage script. this was working on on 4.3.0 beta2 and is working like a champ on 4.3.2 with no modifications.
You can set up your users or groups within qpage.cf  and then refrence the user name and script within the alert.cfg file.  It will send out sms messages when critieria is met.

Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 13:37:09 -0700
From: gbolly_bolly at yahoo.com
To: xymon at xymon.com
Subject: [Xymon] Xymon capabilities

Could you please confirm the following for me on the functionality of the Xymon system
We are evaluating the features of Xymon in my company (Novodisk Ultima Solutions..ITIL Certified)
1.    Can Xymon do Out of band monitoring?

Bola Al Olaniyi

Home: :+1(403)-800-2798
*Email: olaniyi at telus.net

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