Wrong status text in mail alerts, from monitoring windows services with bbwin clients

Martin Blomdahl martin.blomdahl at jonkopingenergi.se
Wed Feb 16 15:00:04 CET 2011

Running xymon 4.3.0.RC1

The text in  alerts mail for windows servers running bbwin shows wrong 
The alert is correct, but the text is wrong.

Here is the mail text.

red Wed Feb 16 14:13:54 2011 - Services NOT ok
&green LanmanServer is started/automatic - want started/automatic

....removed lines ..........

&red VMTools is started/automatic - want started/automatic    <<<<<--- 
Wrong Text, should be "is stopped/automatic "

Here is the client data.

Name                                StartupType  Status DisplayName
AeLookupSvc                         automatic    started Application 

.....removed lines ....

VMTools                             automatic    stopped        VMware 
Tools Service
VMUpgradeHelper                     automatic    stopped        VMware 
Upgrade Helper

The SMS text using BBALPHAMSG variable, shows the same text as the mail.

Minor problem, but a fix before 4.3.0 final would be nice.



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