[Xymon] configs

Martin Flemming martin.flemming at desy.de
Wed Dec 21 14:52:30 CET 2011

On Wed, 21 Dec 2011, Moodley, Nelandran N wrote:
> Good Day
> I’ve recently installed xymon and still finding my way around the product!
> I would like to know how/which file to configure in order to get the files, port & procs check setup.
> Thanks to all who have assisted already..

Hi !

analysis.cfg ist your file

Please check



PROC processname minimumcount maximumcount color [TRACK=id] [TEXT=text]

The "ps" listing sent by the client will be scanned for how many processes 
containing "processname" are running, and this is then matched against the 
min/max settings defined here. If the running count is outside the 
thresholds, the color of the "procs" status changes to "color".

To check for a process that must NOT be running: Set minimum and maximum 
to 0.

"processname" can be a simple string, in which case this string must show 
up in the "ps" listing as a command. The scanner will find a ps-listing of 
e.g. "/usr/sbin/cron" if you only specify "processname" as "cron". 
"processname" can also be a Perl-compatiable regular expression, e.g. 
"%java.*inst[0123]" can be used to find entries in the ps-listing for 
"java -Xmx512m inst2" and "java -Xmx256 inst3". In that case, 
"processname" must begin with "%" followed by the regular expression. Note 
that Xymon defaults to case-insensitive pattern matching; if that is not 
what you want, put "(?-i)" between the "%" and the regular expression to 
turn this off. E.g. "%(?-i)HTTPD" will match the word HTTPD only when it 
is upper-case.
If "processname" contains whitespace (blanks or TAB), you must enclose the 
full string in double quotes - including the "%" if you use regular 
expression matching. E.g.

     PROC "%xymond_channel --channel=data.*xymond_rrd" 1 1 yellow




PORT criteria [MIN=mincount] [MAX=maxcount] [COLOR=color] [TRACK=id] 

The "netstat" listing sent by the client will be scanned for how many 
sockets match the criteria listed. The criteria you can use are:

     "addr" is a (partial) local address specification in the format used 
on the output from netstat.
     Exclude certain local adresses from the rule.
     "addr" is a (partial) remote address specification in the format used 
on the output from netstat.
     Exclude certain remote adresses from the rule.
     Causes only the sockets in the specified state to be included, "state"
is usually LISTEN or ESTABLISHED but can be any socket state reported by 
the clients "netstat" command. EXSTATE=state



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