[Xymon] 4.3.4 proxy to a 4.2.3 server

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Aug 24 22:17:34 CEST 2011

On 24-08-2011 21:32, Root, Paul wrote:

> Is there an issue with a 4.3.4 sending proxy data to an older server?

Don't think so. There has only been two changes in the proxy code going 
from 4.2.3 -> 4.3.4:

a) the proxy will no longer forward "page" messages as sent by old (Big 
Brother style) clients - Xymon doesn't use these at all.

b) the "--hobbitd" option has been removed; xymonproxy always assumes it 
is sending data to a Xymon server, so it re-packages combo-messages and 
adds information about what proxy the message passed through.

I don't see either of these changes breaking compatibility with a 4.2.x 
server. On the old Hobbit server, do you see any connections from the 
proxy (check with netstat) ? Does the proxy log show that it is sending 
data to the old server ?

> I also just found some other information, on the 4.3.4 in the log files:
> 2011-08-24 14:20:52 Peer not up, flushing message queue
> xymond_rrd: error while loading shared libraries: librrd.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The rrdtool libraries are missing from the server where you are running 
Xymon, or at least xymond_rrd cannot find them. My guess is that you've 
compiled the Xymon server software on another system than where you are 
running it. Make sure you have rrdtool installed, with the same major 
version as you had on the system where it was compiled.


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