[Xymon] use of aberrant behavior detection

Contreras, Mario Mario.Contreras at tigo.com.co
Sat Aug 6 02:37:52 CEST 2011

Thank you Henrik for your answer. But that file is not present in my installation:

/ # ls /opt/xymon/server/etc
bb-hosts               Groups                 hobbitgraph.cfg
bb-hosts.20101224      hobbit-alerts.cfg      hobbitGroups
bb-services            hobbit-apache.conf     hobbitlaunch.cfg
bbcombotest.cfg        hobbit-clients.cfg     hobbitpasswd
client-local.cfg       hobbit-nkview.cfg      hobbitserver.cfg
columndoc.csv          hobbit-nkview.cfg.bak  old_bb-hosts
cookies.session        hobbitcgi.cfg

Mario Contreras

-----Mensaje original-----
De: xymon-bounces at xymon.com [mailto:xymon-bounces at xymon.com] En nombre de Henrik Størner
Enviado el: domingo, 31 de julio de 2011 04:39
Para: xymon at xymon.com
Asunto: Re: [Xymon] use of aberrant behavior detection

> We are using xymon/devmon pair and we want to use for some tests the 
> "aberrant behavior detection" of RRDTOOL. Could someone please tell me 
> what changes are necessary in XYMON configuration files to do so? I 
> saw a similar question in the mail list back in 2005 but with no answer.

You need to change the "rrddefinitions.cfg" file to include the RRDtool definitions for the Holt-Winters datasets. Since the rrd-definitions are set when the rrd-file is created, you must delete any existing rrd-files before this change takes effect.

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Xymon at xymon.com

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