[Xymon] sslcert test frequency

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Apr 8 15:14:35 CEST 2011

> Yes, that is true if I was also checking the status of the connection or content.  In this case, all I care about is the sslcert.  I would prefer not to do any more tests then necessary - in this case maybe 4 times per day.

The general solution to run network tests at different intervals is to 
"abuse" the Xymon 'NET:foo' definition in hosts.cfg, and then run an
instance of xymonnet to handle just those tests.

1) In hosts.cfg, add a "NET:4perday" to the hosts you want this for. 
Leave the other hosts unchanged.

2) Set the XYMONNETWORK setting in xymonserver.cfg to 
XYMONSERVER="standard" - this is for the normal every-5-minutes tests.

3) Change the xymonnet task definition in tasks.cfg: Add the option 
"--test-untagged" to the xymonnet commandline.

4) Create this shell script in $XYMONHOME/ext/4perday.sh :

    xymonnet --ping --checkresponse
    exit 0

5) Add a custom task to tasks.cfg like this to run the 4-per-day tests:

       CMD $XYMONHOME/ext/4perday.sh
       INTERVAL 6h

Steps 2) and 3) are needed to keep the regular xymonnet task from 
testing all hosts, but still check all those hosts that don't have a 
"NET:..." definition.


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