How to use the critical system.

McGraw, Robert P rmcgraw at
Tue Sep 28 20:10:46 CEST 2010

Running xymon 4.2.3 on a Sun Solaris 10 server.

Have read the document on the "Critical systems editor" and tried to edit a host but I get nothing in the hobbit-nkview.cfg file.

I have looked in the /var/log/xymon logs and I do not see any errors.

I enter a host name and a test and the click search. At that time I get a window popup "No recored forthis host/service". I then click on "update record" but nothing happens and the "Last update by:" does not change.

Not sure where to look for errors to try and find out what is going on.

Can someone give me some tips on how to get this going?


Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                    EMAIL: rmcgraw at
Purdue University                            ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                   PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                      
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067            

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