[xymon] xymon gmake on Solaris 10

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Thu Sep 23 14:06:11 CEST 2010

In <A2B6D49B35B18643AF19BBAE35C1D22415AB7321 at mail12.svrn.sovereignbank.com> "Vaccaro, Anthony D" <avaccaro at produban.us> writes:

>I have seen many hits on the web from people who are experiencing xymon
>client build issues on solaris 10 sparc and x86, but haven't seen a
>Can you help?
>gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/xymon/xymon-4.2.3/hobbitd'
>gcc -o ../client/hobbitd_client  hobbitd_client.o    hobbitd_worker.o
>hobbitd_bu  ffer.o client_config.o ../lib/hobbitclient.a
>-L/usr/local/lib -lpcre -lresolv -l  socket -lnsl
>Undefined                       first referenced
> symbol                             in file

"clock_gettime" is located in the "librt" library. So that
commandline should have included a "-lrt" option along
with the others. Normally this happens when you have 
  LIBRTDEF = -lrt
in the top-level Makefile. The configure script should add 
this automatically, but apparently it doesn't on Solaris 10.


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