[xymon] longer intervals between tests

Martin Flemming martin.flemming at desy.de
Wed Sep 8 20:36:25 CEST 2010

Rob McBroom wrote:

> Sorry if this is documented somewhere, but a quick search didn't answer my question.
> I'm defining a new server-side test in `hobbitlaunch.cfg`. It's working as intended, except for one thing:
> It doesn't need to run very often. I'm thinking every 6 hours or so.
> I've got it set to 1 hour now while I test things out and it keeps going purple abo$
> Thanks.
> --
> Rob McBroom
> <http://www.skurfer.com/>

Hi, Rob !

You can change this in your server-side test

if you change the status, which you sent to the xymon-server

$BB $BBDISP "status+6h $MACHINE.$COLUMN $COLOR `date`



This section lists the most commonly used messages in the Xymon protocol.

Each message must begin with one of the Xymon commands. Where a HOSTNAME 
is specified, it must have any dots in the hostname changed to commas if 
the Xymon FQDN setting is enabled (which is the default). So e.g. the host 
"www.foo.com" would report as "www,foo,com".

status[+LIFETIME][/group:GROUP] HOSTNAME.TESTNAME COLOR <additional text>
     This sends in a status message for a single test (column) on a single 
host. TESTNAME is the name of the column where this test will show up; any 
name is valid except that using dots in the testname will not work. COLOR 
must be one of the valid colors: "green", "yellow", "red" or "clear". The 
colors "blue" and "purple" - although valid colors - should not be sent in 
a status-message, as these are handled specially by the Xymon server.
     The "additional text" normally includes a local timestamp and a 
summary of the test result on the first line. Any lines following the 
first one are free-form, and can include any information that may be 
useful to diagnose the problem being reported.
     The LIFETIME defines how long this status is valid after being 
received by the Xymon server. The default is 30 minutes, but you can set 
any period you like. E.g. for a custom test that runs once an hour, you 
will want to set this to at least 60 minutes - otherwise the status will 
go purple after 30 minutes. It is a good idea to set the LIFETIME to 
sligtly more than the interval between your tests, to allow for variations 
in the time it takes your test to complete. The LIFETIME is in minutes, 
unless you add an "h" (hours), "d" (days) or "w" (weeks) immediately after 
the number, e.g. "status+5h" for a status that is valid for 5 hours.
     The GROUP option is used to direct alerts from the status to a 
specific group. It is currently used for status generated from the Xymon 
clients' data, e.g. to direct alerts for a "procs" status to different 
people, depending on exactly which process is down.


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