Tobias Nygren tobias.nygren at qbranch.se
Thu Sep 2 09:28:36 CEST 2010

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:36:05 +0000
simo hmami <simobimou at hotmail.com> wrote:

> When i say the bbdisplay is down i meen that the server crashs and is unreachable because when i just stop xymon on one of the bbdisplays server  the bbproxy still send information to the second one.
> So the problem is produced when one of the  bbdisplays is unreachable.

> Anyone has any solution, idea, suggestion ....?


We have the same problem and have a locally developed workaround for it.
It seems bbproxy tries to add a negative file descriptor to an
fd_set, which causes an out-of-bounds array access. Patch is attached.

Kind regards,
-Tobias Nygren
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