[hobbit] PDF Reports

wiskbroom at hotmail.com wiskbroom at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 10 19:49:59 CET 2010

[root at xymon-1 pdf]# grep "\$graphload-woalpha.png" report.skel.php

        imagePNG($img, "$graphload-woalpha.png");
        $pdf->Image("$graphload-woalpha.png",10,40,190,60,$extn,'', true, 72) ;

Thus, I only found one line containing:

imagePNG($img, "$graphload-woalpha.png"); 

Changing this one line to:

imagePNG($img, "$graphload");

Resulted in the same missing graphs.


> I think something is broken - again - in the transparency conversion. I
> quote Johan Grotherus (thanks to him) who said something very useful
> about this. Could you try his workaround, please ?
> "--start of quote
> I have checked the scripts and found the problem to be in the
> analysis.skel.php and report.skel.php files.
> This is the original code from report.skel.php
> //
> // Place the cpu load graph and text here
> //
> $pdf->SetXY(25,30);
> $pdf->Image($imageload,10,26,0,13) ;
> $pdf->Titre($titreload);
> if (file_exists($graphload)) {
> $img = ImageCreateFromPNG($graphload) ;
> imageAlphaBlending($img, false);
> imageSaveAlpha($img, false);
> imagePNG($img, "$graphload-woalpha.png");
> $pdf->Image("$graphload-woalpha.png",10,40,190,60,$extn,'', true, 72) ;
> unlink("$graphload-woalpha.png");
> } else {
> $pdf->Cell(10,20,$nograph,0,1) ;
> $pdf->Ln(80);
> }
> I simply used the sed command to change the imagePNG($img,
> "$graphload-woalpha.png"); to imagePNG($img, "$graphload"); to get it to
> work. I did that for every section.
> --end of quote
> "
> Cheers,
> Thomas Séglard
> wiskbroom at hotmail.com a écrit :
>>> 1) could you please, try an older version of TCPDF ? I suspect an
>>> incompatibility between your RRDTOOL version and TCPDF.
>> I haven't done this yet, but I will try after sending you the data below, but I am only able to see the two most recent at http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcpdf/files/
>>> 2) could you give me the output for this command :
>>> shell$ file pdf/graphrrd/CLIENT/load.CLIENT-year.png
>> [root at xymon-1 graphrrd]# file ./CLIENT/load.CLIENT-2week.png
>> ./CLIENT/load.CLIENT-2week.png: PNG image data, 697 x 193, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
>>> For your information, here is mine :
>>> graphrrd/www01/cputil.www01-2day.png: PNG image data, 697 x 255,
>>> 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
>> Looks quite similiar.
>>> Then, green circle you saw on second page, is generated with the values
>>> on the left. These values are calculated by the "master.sh" script. You
>>> should see in your "graphrrd" directory csv files. You can open csv to
>>> look at the values. If you have none, maybe something has changed in
>>> Xymon 4.3.x ? I'm using the following command to generate csv :
>> Not sure about this, BUT if I point my browser at:
>> http://xymon-1.example.com/pdf/graphrrd/CLIENT/load.CLIENT-2week.png
>> It displays a beautiful graph generated using RRD. I am not sure why it is not displaying properly within the tcpdf report, perhaps a misconfiguration somewhere? (I've searched hard..)
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