Is anyone maintaining xymon anymore?

Cade Robinson cade.robinson at
Thu Mar 4 17:59:40 CET 2010

Is anyone maintaining xymon currently?
I have several bugs that I have patches for that I am sure is affecting
others.  I have posted them but nothing gets commited to SVN.
Also I just hack my way through knowing a little C but I don't know if
the patches are right.  I know they fix my issues but don't know if they
cause other issues.

The last few commits to SVN have been done to the branches and nothing
done to "trunk" in over a year.  Isn't trunk supposed to be the latest
devel area and "branches" are releases? 

"trunk" is almost 200 commits behind branches which doesn't make a lot
of sense to me.

I see there are open bugs almost 5 years old so that doesn't look to be
used either.

So just curious if this project is still in development and if I could
be of help to get things fixed and maybe help get the SVN layout into
"best practice". 

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