Bug or Undesired behavior on restart - Xymon 4.2.3

Clark, Sean sean.clark at twcable.com
Thu Jun 10 22:32:50 CEST 2010

I have come across a funny issue, and am wondering if it's a bug - it certainly doesn't seem to be the desired behavior, and I wonder if anyone can help me with it.

Here is the scenario

I have a device that is configured in hobbit-alerts.cfg like this:

 SCRIPT=/sw/xymon/server/scripts/briefEmailRegularImportance noc at foo.com REPEAT=60 COLOR=red RECOVERED
 SCRIPT=/sw/xymon/server/scripts/FullEmailRegularImportance engineer at foo.com DURATION>20 REPEAT=60

It turns red, and calls the first script 

The person who got the first email sends a hobbitdack with the proper cookie for the test/pair and it all is well

2 hours pass - it has not called the second line, because it is "ack'd"

I restart Xymon -- it loads the hobbitdboard from the .chk file, that host/test pair has same cookie, same ack message BUT - it instantly calls both scripts as soon as it comes online - even thought it had been "acked"

Has anyone seen this/found a workaround/know what I mean?


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