[xymon] Feature? svcs

Ward, Martin Martin.Ward at colt.net
Wed Jul 28 10:30:21 CEST 2010

I have a script that is one step further than yours, the main difference
being that I have defined the services to be monitored in the
client-local.cfg file as you want:

In client-local.cfg for example:


Data from this file is sent to the client (in this case a server called
nmc-dhcp1) and stored in $BBTMP/logfetch.$MACHINEDOTS.cfg, so in the
client-side script I have:

SVCS=`grep '^svc:' $BBTMP/logfetch.$MACHINEDOTS.cfg`

I was being lazy so have separated the services with the | symbol in
client-local.cfg, this means I can then use the following code with no

svcs -a | ${EGREP} "${SVCS}" > $SVCFILE

The reason I store the 'svcs -a' output is because I include it in the
data sent back to Xymon.

Service states are checked using the following code:

cat $SVCFILE | while read SVC
        STATE=`echo ${SVC} | ${AWK} '{print $1}'`

        case "${STATE}" in
                if [ "${COLOUR}" != "RED" ]
        echo ${COLOUR} > $COLOURFILE


To be honest I don't know why I am storing the colour in a file and then
re-reading it outside the loop, the value shouldn't change at the end of
the while loop. This script was thrown together so it's likely I
intended to remove it but forgot.

Anyway, after that loop I call $BB and pass it all the parameters.

It doesn't have the options that you want, but it does allow for
different return colours depending on the return state. I coded it to
return RED if a service is in a disabled state since I want to monitor
specific services rather than all of them.

The final code is here:


# A Hobbit script to examine specific Solaris 10 services.

# Author: Martin Ward 19 Feb 2008.
# Version: 1.0 - Initial version.
# V1.1  Script now takes the list of services to monitor from the server
#       via the logfetch file.

# SVCS is a list of services to examine the status of. Each name must be
# specific enough to make it unique in the output from the 'svcs -a'
# Separate each service with a | so that we can use ${EGREP} to search
for them.
# The services themselves are configured on the Hobbit server in the
# ~hobbit/server/etc/client-local.cfg file. The line will look something
# svc:/network/ssh:default|svc:/site/tftpd:default

# Verify existence of the config file
if [ ! -f $BBTMP/logfetch.$MACHINEDOTS.cfg ]
        echo "Unable to retrieve services descriptions."
        exit 1

SVCS=`grep '^svc:' $BBTMP/logfetch.$MACHINEDOTS.cfg`

# The name of the column in Hobbit

# COLOUR defaults to green

# When you modify a variable inside a while loop its value is local to
# loop. This means that when you reach the end of the loop the variable
# be the same value that it was before the loop was entered. For this
# we have to store the services and colour in temporary files.

# Set up the initial colour

# Get the svcs header line first
MSGH=`svcs -a | head -1`

# Scan through the svcs -a list. Use -a to ensure we get everything.
svcs -a | ${EGREP} "${SVCS}" > $SVCFILE

cat $SVCFILE | while read SVC
        STATE=`echo ${SVC} | ${AWK} '{print $1}'`

        case "${STATE}" in
                if [ "${COLOUR}" != "RED" ]
        echo ${COLOUR} > $COLOURFILE


# Tell Hobbit about it

`cat ${SVCFILE}`


exit 0


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