SV: [xymon] bbtest yellow-mystery

Henrik Størner henrik at
Tue Jul 13 12:50:24 CEST 2010

In <3BD667CCFBD0D04CA2BC3D57D01B642630ABC81727 at> Carl Melgaard <Carl.Melgaard at STAB.RM.DK> writes:

>But why is the check still running against the AD-host I've disabled?

"Disable" is kind of a misnomer, because as You found out it doesn't 
stop Xymon from running the test - it only means that it won't bother
with sending out the alerts.

The main reason for this is that without running the test, Xymon couldn't
implement the "Disable until OK" feature (which I find is really handy).

A second reason is that programming-wise it is actually a lot easier
to just run all the tests.


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