rrd 10 minute intervals

Scott Ryan scottlryan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 10:17:18 CET 2010

I have a custom check that I have integrated into xymon.

The data for the check I want to graph using NCV/RRDtool as
COUNTER/DERIVE data (as it is an ever increasing number)

Problem I am having is that the data is only updated every 10 minutes.
I configured the graph in /etc/xymon/hobbitgraph.d/somegraph.cfg - you
can see I added the --step 600 option.

        TITLE SMS Statistics
        YAXIS No_SMS
        --step 600
        GPRINT:Failures:LAST:Failures \: %5lf%s (cur)
        GPRINT:Failures:MAX: \: %5.0lf%s (max)
        GPRINT:Failures:MIN: \: %5.0lf%s (min)
        GPRINT:Failures:AVERAGE: \: %5.0lf%s (avg)\n
        GPRINT:Successes:LAST:Successes \: %5.1lf%s (cur)
        GPRINT:Successes:MAX: \: %5.1lf%s (max)
        GPRINT:Successes:MIN: \: %5.1lf%s (min)
        GPRINT:Successes:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf%s (avg)\n

In the hobbitserver.cfg as well as adding sms=ncv to get the graphing
to work - I added:


My script runs every 10 minutes from the hobbitlaunch.d directory.

The data in the rrd file does not tie up though  from the rrdtool
dump. The last_ds is correct, but the actual value keeps returning NaN
- and hence the graph does not generate.

                <name> Failures </name>
                <type> DERIVE </type>
                <minimal_heartbeat> 600 </minimal_heartbeat>
                <min> 6.0000000000e+02 </min>
                <max> NaN </max>

                <!-- PDP Status -->
                <last_ds> 2252 </last_ds>
                <value> NaN </value>
                <unknown_sec> 138 </unknown_sec>

If I decrease the step or the hearbeat to the default of 5 mins, then
the graph looks completely wrong.

I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas.

Scott Ryan

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