ifstat.mac.rrd question

McGraw, Robert P rmcgraw at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 15 14:46:34 CET 2010

I am getting this error message in my rrd-data.log about every minute. I looked in the archive about this and only found one entry that did not provide much help. 

Also in the trends in the network traffic graph I see an interface named "mac".

2010-02-15 08:41:35 RRD error updating /local/xymon/data/rrd/gauss.math.purdue.edu/ifstat.mac.rrd from /local/xymon/data/rrd/gauss.math.purdue.edu/ifstat.mac.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1266241295 when last update time is 1266241295 (minimum one second step)


1) what is the "mac" interface?

2) what is causing the above error and how can I prevent this?



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                    EMAIL: rmcgraw at purdue.edu
Purdue University                            ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                   PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                      
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067            

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