Has anyone used SheevaPlug

Gregory Thomas GThomas at fairdinkum.com
Wed Sep 30 22:22:56 CEST 2009

I'm curious if anyone has used a SheevaPlug to run Xymon for small networks. We like running Xymon centralized in our office, with remote servers sending in data (BBWin), but there are some limitations with that when it is not feasible to let Xymon talk to servers through a remote firewall (conn, dns, etc. can't be used for instance).

We support many disparate networks, and perhaps a small xymon install inside the firewall acting as a proxy to our centralized install would work well. The idea would be to have minimal configuration done at each site and keep the alerting logic etc. centralized.

The SheevaPlug would be a cheap way to add monitoring to a network that otherwise couldn't dedicate a (physical or virtual) server.



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