[hobbit] Special bb-hosts file just for reporting

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Oct 23 19:07:53 CEST 2009

In <833FE11B4A07FD4789F720B6F915124F07F5E929E4 at HHCGVL-COMM01> "Harold J. Ballinger" <hballinger at heritage-healthcare.com> writes:

>Wait.... will this cause some of my monitors that aren't a part of the spec=
>ial bb-hosts file to go purple while the BBHOSTS variable is set to the alt=
>ernate file? I wanted to avoid any impact on the monitoring system's tests,=
> etc.

No, the BBHOSTS variable is only set for the task that generates the
report. Leave all of your normal configuration files untouched; but
create the new report-layout-bb-hosts file "bb-hosts.report". Then
run the report from a script like this:

   export BBHOSTS
   bbgen <<the options you you normally use to build the report>>


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