[hobbit] Http login test

Ralph Mitchell ralphmitchell at gmail.com
Mon May 25 17:51:57 CEST 2009

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Ralph Mitchell <ralphmitchell at gmail.com>wrote:

> It was titled "Hobbit content check script".  Here's the body of the
> message, and the attachments:
> Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier - I've been fighting with perl
> & SOAP, trying to get some status messages out of a bunch of load
> balancers.  I think I finally got it now....
> Attached (hopefully :) are a couple of files I tried to post to the
> list some time last year.  There's a shell script that does a login to
> a Siteminder site, and a perl script evolved from something Daniel
> Stenberg wrote - he's the original author of curl.  Daniel's very
> active on the curl mailing list, by the way, along with a bunch of
> other helpful folks, if it starts going weird on you.
> The Siteminder login probably won't be much use to you as is, but it
> demonstrates a few things I've worked out over the years.  Like, the
> standard options string to pass to curl, collecting messages along the
> way, and loading up the message string with a Manual Check url at the
> end for ops to try the check for themselves before waking people up...
> You can put almost *anything* into the message string that gets sent
> to Hobbit.  Right now I have scripts that check car rentals at travel
> sites for a particular company and emit a table of the current prices.
> Another script hits a cruise monitor and puts out a list using the
> &red and &green dots to mark cruise lines as reachable or not.  You
> can push out font color and size changes, urls to saved pages, etc.
> As far as cookies go, I generally just have curl save them whenever it
> finishes:
>  curl -b cookies -c cookies .....
> If you do that you can go look at the cookies and see what came in.
> Other things become possible too, such as editing cookies in between
> curl calls.  If you do keep cookies, though, the *first* thing you
> should do in the script is delete the cookie file.  That's like
> clearing the browser cookie cache, and can avoid a lot of mysterious
> errors.
> Finally, if you think you might spend some time on web site scripts,
> there's a Firefox extension that is absolutely invaluable -
> LiveHTTPheaders.  It shows you *exactly* what the browser sends to the
> server, as well as what it gets back - not the page content, just the
> headers, but that's all you need to recreate the sequence.  It even
> works twith secure sites.  If you see something going out that you
> can't account for, the usual suspect is javascript.  I've seen
> javascript that assembles a url on the fly from form elements, fiddles
> with some of the form elements, then posts the form.  That kind of
> thing can be difficult to nail down, and almost impossible to
> replicate...
> Ralph Mitchell

The attachments may not have gone through, so here they are again:

==========  bb-siteminder.sh ==========

# In case of disaster, uncomment the next line and watch the output
# set -x
# This script runs out of cron.  Tell it where to find Big Brother.
export BBHOME


# Where to stash the downloaded html files.  These get patched into the BB
# report so that the monitoring guys can click through and see what we got.

# Gonna need a cookie jar.  Start off empty, so each checkout starts clean.
rm -f $COOKIES

# Some standard curl flags.  See the curl man page for details
STDOPTS="-w %{url_effective} -L --connect-timeout 60 --max-time 120 -s -S -b
$COOKIES -c $COOKIES -A Mozilla/4.79"

# This is just a tag for identifying environment dumps.
BBPROG=bb-siteminder.sh; export BBPROG

# The next block came from the BB ext example script.  If BBHOME is not set
# there's no point continuing.  If BBTMP is not set, load up the standard
# environment from bbdef.sh.
if test "$BBHOME" = ""
        echo "BBHOME is not set... exiting"
        exit 1

if test ! "$BBTMP"                      # GET DEFINITIONS IF NEEDED
         # echo "*** LOADING BBDEF ***"
        . $BBHOME/etc/bbdef.sh          # INCLUDE STANDARD DEFINITIONS

# This is used to label the result column

# Make sure bail out code is set.

# ========== step 1 ==========
# Grab the first page
# Name the file for the host, test and step, to make it unique
# remove any previous copy to avoid misunderstandings

# Grab the first page.  The effective url is recorded for patching
# into the action url is necessary
effect=`$CURL $STDOPTS \
  -o $FILENAME \
# Save the return code, it might be important

# code 52 means "the server sent nothing"
if [ "$ret" -eq "52" ]; then
  # empty reply, try it again
  MESSAGE="$STEP: failed with curl error code: 52 - Empty reply from server.
 Url: <a href=$URL>$URL</a>"
$STEP: retrying..."
  sleep 2
  effect=`$CURL $STDOPTS \
    -o /dev/null \

if [ -s $FILENAME ]; then
  # file exists and has size greater than zero.  look for something to
  TESTSTR="Something from the Login Page"
  check=`$GREP -ic "$TESTSTR" $FILENAME`
  if [ "$check" -gt "0" ]; then
    # Found the test string, we're good to continue
$STEP: Got Login page - found <b>$TESTSTR</b>"
    # Didn't find the test string, bail out of subsequent steps
$STEP: failed to find <b>$TESTSTR</b>.  curl error code: $ret.  Url: <a
  # Got nothing useful from the server, give up
$STEP: failed with empty file.  curl error code: $ret.  Url: <a

# If previous step completed OK, perform next step
if [ "$bailout" -eq "0" ]; then
  # formextract.pl strips out the form elements and formats them like this:
  #   -d username=
  #   -d password=
  #   http://server.domain.com/path/to/form/processor
  # On some pages, the action url is not fully qualified.
  FORM=`cat $FILENAME | $HOME/bin/formextract.pl`
  # Pull out the form variable lines and patch in the userid & password
  FORMVARS=`echo "$FORM" | $GREP -- '-d' | $SED \
    -e "s/txtUsername=/txtUsername=$USERNAME/" \
    -e "s/Password=/Password=$PASSWORD/"`
  # extract the action url.  Adjustments can be to the url in the pipeline
  ACTION=`echo "$FORM" | $TAIL -1`

  # Break up the effective url based on the /'s
  set $effect

  # Assemble the proper action url.  It should be one of these forms:
  # Complete URL:  http://system.domain.com/path/to/form/processor
  # Absolute path, no hostname: /path/to/form/processor
  # URL="$1//$3$ACTION"
  # Relative path, no hostname: path/to/form/processor
  # URL="$1//$3/$ACTION"
  # pick up $1 (protocol) & $3 (hostname), because the // in the effective
url makes $2=null.

  rm -f $FILENAME

  # Post the form back to the action url.  The returned file should
  # contain the page a browser would show after logging in.
  effect=`$CURL $STDOPTS \
    -w "%{url_effective}" \
    -o $FILENAME \

  # As before, make sure the file is not empty, and that it contains
  # something we recognise from a successful login.  You can also look
  # for signs of login failure, such as a repeat of the login page, or
  # some message such as "login failed".

  if [ -s $FILENAME ]; then
    if [ "$ret" -eq "0" ]; then
      TESTSTR="Big Brother Test Page"
      check=`$GREP -ic "$TESTSTR" $FILENAME`
      if [ "$check" -gt "0" ]; then
$STEP: Found <b>$TESTSTR</b>.  Looking good"
$STEP: failed to find <b>$TESTSTR</b>.  curl error code: $ret.  Url: <a
$STEP: failed with empty file.  curl error code: $ret.  Url: <a

# If bailout is non-zero, something unexpected happened.
if [ "$bailout" -eq "1" ]; then
elif [ "$bailout" -eq "2" ]; then
  # This is useful for non-critical-but-interesting conditions
  # that may be worth looking for.  There are none in this example.
  # WooHoo!!

See the saved files in <a href=$BBWEBHOST/bb/siteminder/>the checkout
<a href=$ORIGURL>Manual Check</a>"

# The script runs from cron, with output directed to a file in /tmp.
# This echo is not strictly necessary, but it can be useful to validate
# that it ran correctly

# convert the dots to commas in the hostname
MACHINE=`echo $TESTHOST | $SED -e 's/\./,/g'`

# Assemble the status message as per normal
LINE="status $MACHINE.$TEST $COLOR `date`

# fire it off to BB/Hobbit
$BB $BBDISP "$LINE"                     # SEND IT TO BBDISPLAY

========== formextract.pl ==========

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id: formfind,v 1.5 2003/04/28 13:48:16 bagder Exp $
# formfind.pl
# This script gets a HTML page on stdin and presents form information on
# stdout.
# Author: Daniel Stenberg <daniel at haxx.se>
# Version: 0.2 Nov 18, 2002
# 0.1 - Nov 12 1998 - Created now!
# 0.2 - Nov 18 2002 - Enhanced. Removed URL support, use only stdin.
# sometime          - echo the first form in a format suitable for dropping
#                     into a curl command line.   - Ralph Mitchell


if($ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
    print  "Usage: $0 < HTML\n";

sub namevalue {
    my ($tag)=@_;
    my $name=$tag;
    if($name =~ /name *=/i) {
        if($name =~ /name *= *([^\"\']([^ \">]*))/i) {
            $name = $1;
        elsif($name =~ /name *= *(\"|\')([^\"\']*)(\"|\')/i) {
        else {
            # there is a tag but we didn't find the contents

    else {
        # no name given
    # get value tag
    my $value= $tag;
    if($value =~ /[^\.a-zA-Z0-9]value *=/i) {
        if($value =~ /[^\.a-zA-Z0-9]value *= *([^\"\']([^ \">]*))/i) {
            $value = $1;
        elsif($value =~ /[^\.a-zA-Z0-9]value *= *(\"|\')([^\"\']*)(\"|\')/i)
        else {
            # there is a tag but we didn't find the contents
    else {
    return ($name, $value);

while(<STDIN>) {
    $line = $_;
    push @indoc, $line;
    $line=~ s/\n//g;
    $line=~ s/\r//g;

while($in =~ /[^<]*(<[^>]+>)/g ) {
    # we have a tag in $1
    $tag = $1;
    if($tag =~ /^<!--/) {
        # this is a comment tag, ignore it
    else {
        if(!$form &&
           ($tag =~ /^< *form/i )) {
            $method= $tag;
            if($method =~ /method *=/i) {
                $method=~ s/.*method *= *(\"|)([^ \">]*).*/$2/gi;
            else {
                $method="get"; # default method
            $action= $tag;
            $action=~ s/.*action *= *(\'|\"|)([^ \"\'>]*).*/$2/gi;


            if ($enctype =~ /enctype *=/) {
                $enctype=~ s/.*enctype *= *(\'|\"|)([^ \"\'>]*).*/$2/gi;

                if($enctype eq "multipart/form-data") {
                    $enctype="multipart form upload [use -F]"
                $enctype = "\n--- type: $enctype";
            else {

            # print "URL=\"$action\"$enctype\n";
        elsif($form &&
              ($tag =~ /< *\/form/i )) {

            # print "--- end of FORM\n";
            print "$action\n";
            if( 0 ) {
                print "*** Fill in all or any of these: (default assigns may
be shown)\n";
                for(@vars) {
                    $var = $_;
                    $def = $value{$var};
                    print "$var=$def\n";
                print "*** Pick one of these:\n";
                for(@alts) {
                    print "$_\n";
            undef @vars;
            undef @alts;
        elsif($form &&
              ($tag =~ /^< *(input|select)/i)) {
            $mtag = $1;

            ($name, $value)=namevalue($tag);
            if($mtag =~ /select/i) {
                print "Select: NAME=\"$name\"\n";
                push @vars, "$name";
                $select = 1;
            else {
                if($type =~ /type *=/i) {
                    $type =~ s/.*type *= *(\'|\"|)([^ \"\'>]*).*/$2/gi;
                else {
                    $type="text"; # default type
                if(lc($type) eq "reset") {
                    # reset types are for UI only, ignore.
                elsif($name eq "") {
                    # let's read the value parameter

                    print "Button: \"$value\" ($type)\n";
                    push @alts, "$value";
                else {
                    $xname = s/\ /\+/g;
                    print "  -d $name=";
                    if($value ne "") {
                        # print "\"$value\"";
                        print "$value";
                    print " \n";
                    push @vars, "$name";
                    # store default value:
        elsif($form &&
              ($tag =~ /^< *textarea/i)) {
            my ($name, $value)=namevalue($tag);

            print "Textarea: NAME=\"$name\"\n";
        elsif($select) {
            if($tag =~ /^< *\/ *select/i) {
                print "[end of select]\n";
                $select = 0;
            elsif($tag =~ /[^\/] *option/i ) {
                my ($name, $value)=namevalue($tag);
                my $s;
                if($tag =~ /selected/i) {
                    $s= " (SELECTED)";
                print "  Option VALUE=\"$value\"$s\n";

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