[hobbit] [re-post] xymon notifications
J Sloan
joe at tmsusa.com
Wed Jun 3 23:19:46 CEST 2009
Ralph Mitchell wrote:
> I once had a old Compaq desktop system and laptop, both running Gentoo
> Linux with 'heartbeat' installed. Whenever I shutdown the laptop,
> the Compaq 'acquired' its IP address, so that it wouldn't be given
> away to anyone else on that segment of the company network. It wasn't
> anything fancy, just heartbeat packets being exchanged over the
> network every few seconds.
I've played with heartbeat, it's a neat package - bit of overkill for
what we need here though.
> As long as your two xymon servers are sending each other status
> messages, you could use that for the heartbeat. Something like this
> in an external script:
> X=`server/bin/bb localhost 'hobbitdboard host=xymon1 test=bbd
> fields=logtime'`
> Y=`date +%s`
> Z=`expr $Y - $X`
> if [ $Z -ge 600 ]; then
> # do stuff to enable paging
> fi
> If you were using a script to send the pages out, enabling paging
> could be as simple as "touch $BBTMP/pager", then in the pager script,
> do this:
> if [ -f $BBTMP/pager ]; then
> # send the page
> fi
Now that is interesting - I wasn't familiar with the detail of
information available from the bb command using the hobbitboard
directive, but that definitely lends itself to the solution I'm looking
for. I'll play with it a bit and see what I can come up with.
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