[hobbit] client/ext yum update notifier extension script

Buchan Milne bgmilne at staff.telkomsa.net
Wed Jun 3 14:03:33 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 03 June 2009 09:56:16 netz-haut - stephan seitz wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm currently using hobbit/xymon to monitor our hostmachines. Most of them
> are Ubuntu/Debian. The debian guys wrote an extension (hobbit-plugins,
> /usr/lib/hobbit/client/ext/apt) to get informed about the availability of
> updates/security-updates via apt.
> As we're going to setup some new Machines with CentOS, I'ld like to ask if
> someone already did a similar extension script for yum/rpm?

We're using the attached check on RHEL3/4/5, with support for up2date (on RHEL 
< 5) and support for checking that required channels (named provided as 
commandline argument, only tested with up2date)/repos are available.

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