[hobbit] [Hobbit] URLPlus interest - looking for feedback

Morsiani, Massimo massimo.morsiani at gilbarco.com
Fri Jul 31 09:44:55 CEST 2009

Hi Gary,
nice to hear that you're in the loop again.
I'm currently using v1.21 ($Id: url-plus.pl,v 1.21 2008/04/30 13:56:07) and I'm happy with it.
My main reason to use it is:
- per host customizable response time
My feature request is the capability to do something like the following:
1. go to a web page
2. insert username/password to login
3. surf the web site following specific links
4. grab some data from a specific web page
5. check the grabbed data (ie if GRABBED_DATA < MY_THRESHOLD then alert)

Massimo Morsiani 
Information Technology Dept. 
Gilbarco S.r.l. 
via de' Cattani, 220/G 
50145 Firenze, Italy 
tel:    +39-055-30941 
fax:    +39-055-318603 
email:  massimo.morsiani at gilbarco.com 
web:    http://www.gilbarco.it <http://www.gilbarco.it/>  


From: Gary Baluha [mailto:gumby3203 at gmail.com] 
Sent: mercoledì 29 luglio 2009 18.35
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] [Hobbit] URLPlus interest - looking for feedback

For those of you who have been around here for a while, you will have noticed that I've been somewhat absent of late.  The short story is, I have changed jobs and just don't get as many opportunities to check in as I used to.  This also means I have left my reasons for working on URLPlus behind, which is why development of it has stopped.

The purpose of this post is because I have gotten a few requests from time to time about URLPlus, and I'm curious what the interest in me getting back to developing it would be.  I've been out of the loop as far as new features in the latest version of Hobbit being worked on, but from what I understand, while there are more web page monitoring features built-in, there are still some things where URLPlus could be useful.

So, I would be interested in the following feedback:
1) Is there still demand for more robust website content checking features than what Hobbit supports out of the box?
2) If so, what are the features missing in Hobbit that people are looking for?
3) For those who have chosen to use URLPlus, what are the reasons for that, versus using some other Hobbit plugin (or for that matter, some other monitoring tool)?
4) Finally, for those that are using URLPlus, what additional features would you like to see it be capable of doing?


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