[hobbit] How do I clone maintenance mode record ?

T.J. Yang tj_yang at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 9 20:34:13 CEST 2009

> From: Paul.Root at qwest.com
> To: hobbit at hswn.dk
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:22:13 -0500
> Subject: RE: [hobbit] How do I clone maintenance mode record ?
> I have a separate hobbit-alerts.cfg file for the secondary. It simply monitors the primary, and if the primary goes down, runs a script to copy the primaries -alerts file into place.
> Then it has a recovery script to turn itself back off.

we use cron job to pull selected bb-host*,hobbit-alert*,hobbit-data and others from hobbit1 to hobbit2 using rsync.
and with hobbit server side module to check health of hobbit1, if hobbit1 is bad hobbit2 will enable its bbpage worker module to assume the failed hobbit1 alert service.

Two issues remains.

1. maintenance records are not failed over yet.thus hobbit2 send out false alerts.
2. rrd files on hobbit1 need to be patched with rrd data from hobbit2 for hobbit1's down period.


> The primary rdists the pertinent files over nightly.
> Paul Root IM/MNS Infrastructure
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Sparks [mailto:asparks at doublesparks.net]
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:10 PM
> To: hobbit at hswn.dk
> Subject: Re: [hobbit] How do I clone maintenance mode record ?
> T.J. Yang wrote:
>> I am rsyncing configuration files from hobbit1( primary) to hobbit2 (standby) server.
>> But without maintenance mode records of hobbit1 copy over, hobbit2 will generate alerts for hosts that had been put into maintenance mode already.
>> Currently I tried to rsync "data/disabled" directory and restart hobbit2 server but the maintenace web page still show less hosts on hobbit2.
>> Anyone know where is the maintenance records store at beside "data/disabled" ?
> I recall, from a code browse some time ago, that the alerts module used
> the acknowledge.log in deciding whether alerts had been sent -- you may
> need to copy that over. I thought it odd, having that in the logs/
> directory but used as a data file - but you might look at that.
> -Alan
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