[hobbit] mail headers in alerts

Henrik Størner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Jan 28 12:40:07 CET 2009

In <1232723385.32017.264.camel at brick.rhi.hi.is> Anna Jonna Armannsdottir <annaj at hi.is> writes:

>It seems to be difficult to find any information about configuring 
>headers in the alert messages sent by hobbit. 
>in the file hobbitserver.cfg there are some lines that define the 
>mail command: 
># For the hobbitd_alert module
>MAILC="mail"				# Command used to send an e-mail with no subject
>MAIL="$MAILC -s"				# Command used to send an e-mail with a subject

>At our site it is necessary to have a mail header like the following:

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

>The mail command itself does not seem to facilitate 

Not a Hobbit question per se. This has to do with setting
up your mail client software, which is probably something that
comes with your operating system. I'm afraid you'll have to dig
into those docs for an answer.


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