REPORTTIME bb-replog only criticals

mario andre rower.master at
Wed Dec 9 14:27:38 CET 2009

Hi Henrik,

I'm using the REPORTTIME tag and the Availability report considers the
"* "red" and "clear" status counts as downtime" as described on the

I need to change the code to consider the only the red, I've looked at
bb-replog.c and bb-rep.c  and did not figured out how to do it. Could
please give me a hint?

Thanks in advance,

Mario Panza.

When REPORTTIME is specified, the availability calculation happens like this:

* Only measurements done during the given time period is used for the
* "blue" time reduces the length of the report interval, so if you are
generating a report for a 10-hour period and there are 20 minutes of
"blue" time, then the availability calculation will consider the
reporting period to be 580 minutes (10 hours minus 20 minutes). This
allows you to have scheduled downtime during the REPORTTIME interval
without hurting your availability; this is (I believe) the whole idea
of the downtime being "planned".
* "red" and "clear" status counts as downtime; "yellow" and "green"
count as uptime. "purple" time is ignored.

The availability calculation correctly handles status changes that
cross into/out of a REPORTTIME interval.

If no REPORTTIME is given, the standard 24x7 calculation is used.

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