[hobbit] BBWin - Monitoring size of Exchange database files

Storer, Raymond storerr at nibco.com
Mon Aug 24 16:23:02 CEST 2009

Thomas, you can try the code someone else pointed to at deadcat and you can also try this:


'Author: Ray Storer
'Date: 2009-08-24
'Purpose: Check file size and existence

Option Explicit

'If you want to use the registry to find this, feel free to change this.
Const BBWIN_TMP_DIR = "C:\Program Files\BBWin\tmp\" 'change to meet your environment, but leave the trailing backslash
Const BBWIN_TEST_NAME = "fsize" 'change to meet your requirements

'If you want to use the environment variables feel free to change this.
Const HOST_NAME = "YOUR_MACHINE_NAME" 'change to meet your environment

'16 gigabytes
Const MAX_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE = 17179869184 'change to meet your requirements
RED_FILE_SIZE = MAX_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE * 0.85 'change to meet your requirements
YELLOW_FILE_SIZE = MAX_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE * 0.70 'change to meet your requirements

'change the arrFiles(1) to the number of elements (files) you need minus 1.
Dim oFso, arrFiles(1), strStatus, oFile, iSumFileSize, strRedGreen, strFileInfo
iSumFileSize = 0
strRedGreen = "GREEN"
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'change to meet your environment
arrFiles(0) = "C:\Program Files\BBWin\bin\cpu.dll"
arrFiles(1) = "C:\Program Files\BBWin\bin\disk.dll"
'keep adding arrFiles(...) here if you need more
strStatus = ""
strFileInfo = ""

'get the file sizes and set red if they do not exist
Dim sFile
for each sFile in arrFiles
        if (oFso.FileExists(sFile)) then
                Set oFile = oFso.GetFile(sFile)
                strFileInfo = strFileInfo & vbcrlf & sFile & vbtab & CStr(oFile.Size)
                iSumFileSize = iSumFileSize + oFile.Size
                strRedGreen = "RED"
                if (len(strStatus) = 0) then
                        strStatus = strRedGreen & " " & HOST_NAME & " " & CStr(Now())
                        strStatus = strStatus & VbCrLf
                        strStatus = strStatus & " " & sFile & " file does not exist."
                        strStatus = strStatus & " " & sFile & " file does not exist."
                end if 'check len of strStatus
        end if 'check for file existence
next 'iterate over the files

'set red,yellow,green based on file sizes
if (iSumFileSize >= RED_FILE_SIZE) then
        strRedGreen = "RED"
        if (iSumFileSize >= YELLOW_FILE_SIZE) then
                if (strRedGreen <> "RED") then
                        strRedGreen = "YELLOW"
                end if
                if (strRedGreen <> "RED") then
                        strRedGreen = "GREEN"
                end if
        end if
end if

if (len(strStatus) = 0) then
        strStatus = strRedGreen & " " & HOST_NAME & " " & CStr(Now())
        strStatus = strStatus & vbcrlf
        strStatus = strStatus & strFileInfo
        strStatus = strStatus & vbcrlf
        strStatus = strStatus & "Total File Size: " & CStr(iSumFileSize)
        strStatus = strStatus & vbcrlf
        strStatus = strStatus & strFileInfo
        strStatus = strStatus & vbcrlf
        strStatus = strStatus & "Total File Size: " & CStr(iSumFileSize)
end if

Set oFile = ofso.CreateTextFile(BBWIN_TMP_DIR & BBWIN_TEST_NAME, true)

Set oFile = Nothing
Set oFso = Nothing

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