[hobbit] Monitoring "internet"

Craig Cook Craig.Cook at carquest.com
Wed Aug 5 18:27:18 CEST 2009

>You can use the bbcombotest to merge the result of all your http content/status check in a single check.
>in bbcombotest.cfg you can put something like:
>internet.connect = internet.cont1 && internet.cont2 && internet.cont3
>remember to change the hobbitlaunch.cfg to include the launch of bbcombotest

Yes, you need to use bbcombotest.  I would not recommend this though:

internet.connect = internet.cont && internet2.cont && internet3.cont

Something like this is safer...

internet.connect = (internet1.cont + internet2.cont + internet3.cont) >= 2

I have used this method before to monitor major 4 web sites and seen one of them fail to respond.  The other 3 were fine so I knew our internet connection was okay.

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