Write error while sending message to bbd

SebA spa at syntec.co.uk
Mon Oct 13 14:19:23 CEST 2008

Using 4.2.0 originally and now 4.3.0 snapshot from April, I get loads of
these messages:

# tail clientdata.log 
2008-10-13 13:06:47 Write error while sending message to
bbd at
2008-10-13 13:06:47 Whoops ! bb failed to send message - write error
2008-10-13 13:07:08 Write error while sending message to
bbd at
2008-10-13 13:07:08 Whoops ! bb failed to send message - write error
2008-10-13 13:07:43 Write error while sending message to
bbd at
2008-10-13 13:07:43 Whoops ! bb failed to send message - write error
2008-10-13 13:09:28 Write error while sending message to
bbd at
2008-10-13 13:09:28 Whoops ! bb failed to send message - write error
2008-10-13 13:09:50 Write error while sending message to
bbd at
2008-10-13 13:09:50 Whoops ! bb failed to send message - write error is a Windows Big Brother legacy server but I know that for the
most part the communication between the two server works fine (both on the
same LAN, no firewall).  But maybe it would be helpful if this error message
could contain a few more details such as which host.test is causing the
problem?  I have a fair idea (a hobbit-client procs - which often goes
purple and always gets truncated with no procs listed - and something else),
but it would be nice to have confirmation.  Also, maybe it could say what
the write error is?

Many thanks,

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