[hobbit] ghostlist

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon May 26 14:30:45 CEST 2008

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:06:59PM +0800, Phil Wild wrote:
> I am trying to use the output received from hobbitd when issuing the bb
> ghostlist command. The command reports correctly, but after modifying the
> bb-hosts file, ghostlist continues to report ghosts. I need to do a full
> restart of hobbit to get hobbitd reporting correctly.

hobbitd reloads the bb-hosts file every 10 minutes, or if you send a HUP 
signal to the hobbitd process. Hosts will remain on the ghostlist until
no reports have been received with ghost hostname for 10 minutes.

So if you have a ghost reporting at 12:00, and you modify the bb-hosts
file at 12:01, then the host reports again at 12:05, the bb-hosts file
is reloaded at 12:11, and the ghost entry expires at 12:15. So it may
take up to 15 minutes before the ghostlist entry disappears.

> I started digging through the source tonight but I have to admit that I just
> can't understand C well enough. hobbitd knows the bb-hosts file has been
> updated because the host appears on the webpage, but ghostlist still reports
> it incorrectly.

Note: the fact that the host appears on the webpage does NOT mean
hobbitd knows about it. The webpage is generated by another task, and
until hobbitd learns about the new hostname, it will just show up 
with no status columns.


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