Setting up second network tester

Eric Jacobs eric.jacobs at
Thu Jan 31 21:29:43 CET 2008

My Hobbit server does the display, network testing and alerting. Using the 
default 5 minute interval for network tests. Some have complained that 
connectivity tests to certain routers should happen more frequently. But, as 
far as I can see, network testing interval is an all or nothing variable. So 
I'm thinking of setting up second network tester and using NET variable in 
bb-hosts to have the particular routers in question tested by second network 
tester, running its tests more frequently.

Preamble done - now, how do I go about setting up second network tester? 
Configuring another server and disabling all unnecessary tasks in 
hobbitlaunch.cfg? If so, which will I need for the tester to work properly?

Eric Jacobs 

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