[hobbit] graph positive and negative values

Charles Goyard charles.goyard at orange-ftgroup.com
Wed Feb 20 10:01:10 CET 2008

Matthew Tice wrote :
> Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has been successful setting up and graphing an
> item that fluctuates between positive and negative values?  I'm trying to
> trend the temperature of my freezer.  When I created the rrd earlier today
> (when positive values were generated) the graph was functional.  When I put
> my sensors inside the freezer (where the temperatures drop a few degrees
> below zero F) the values wouldn't drop below zero on the graph.
> I tried modifying the current rrd tool with:
> rrdtool tune /home/hobbit/data/rrd/tice/freezer.rrd --minimum freezerf:U


there's a small bug in hobbitd_rrd 4.2.0 which prevents negative values to
be plotted. You have to upgrade to a snapshot or backport a few
modifications from do_ncv.c : the "l = val + strspn(val, "0123456789.")"
part and the creation arguments of the rrd file.

Charles Goyard - charles.goyard at orange-ftgroup.com - (+33) 1 45 38 01 31
Orange Business Services - online multimedia  // ingénierie

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