[hobbit] email and page alerts

Ward, Martin Martin.Ward at colt.net
Mon Feb 18 11:31:32 CET 2008

Hi Becki,
I have not played with alerts yet, that's in my list of things to do,
but I did have the following link stored away:
and, more importantly for you, the following text:
If you want to test how your alert configuration handles a specific
host, you can run hobbitd_alert in test mode - you give it a hostname
and servicename as input, and it will go through the configuration and
tell you which rules match and who gets an alert.

	osiris:~ $ cd server/
	osiris:~/server $ ./bin/bbcmd hobbitd_alert --test
osiris.hswn.dk cpu
	Matching host:service:page 'osiris.hswn.dk:cpu:' against rule
line 109:Matched
	    *** Match with 'HOST=*' ***
	Matching host:service:page 'osiris.hswn.dk:cpu:' against rule
line 110:Matched
	    *** Match with 'MAIL henrik at sample.com REPEAT=2 RECOVERED
COLOR=red' ***
	Mail alert with command 'mail -s "BB [12345] osiris.hswn.dk:cpu
is RED" henrik at sample.com'

This may help you diagnose the problem.
Good luck,


	-----Original Message-----
	From: Rebecca Henderson
[mailto:rebecca_henderson at link.freedom.com] 
	Sent: 15 February 2008 18:10
	To: hobbit at hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] email and page alerts


	I'm in need of some help with the email and page part of hobbit.

	My file monitor went red and nothing happened? I'm new at this
so please be patient.

	Can you help me understand this.. , here is my hobbit server


	HOST=sys1 BBHOSTSVC=every_service

	    MAIL rebecca_henderson at link.freedom.com REPEAT=05 RECOVERED

	    MAIL rebecca_henderson at link.freedom.com  DURATION>10



	     MAIL rebecca_henderson at freedom.com FORMAT=TEXT



	     MAIL rebecca_henderson at link.freedom.com FORMAT=TEXT



	     MAIL rebecca_henderson at freedom.com FORMAT=TEXT



	     MAIL rebecca_henderson at freedom.com FORMAT=TEXT



	This is my hobbit server hobbit-clients.cfg




	        UP      1h

	        LOAD    5.0 10.0

	        DISK    * 55 65         GROUP=UNIX_TEAM_PARTITION

	        MEMPHYS 100 101         GROUP=UNIX_TEAM_PARTITION

	        MEMSWAP 50 80

	        MEMACT  90 97

	        PROC defunct  0 0  red

	        LOG /var/log/messages  WARNING COLOR=yellow

	        LOG /var/log/maillog   WARNING COLOR=yellow

	        #LOG /var/opt/hobbitclient42/log/clientlaunch.log

	        #LOG /var/opt/hobbitclient42/log/hobbitclient.log

	        FILE /etc/passwd  SIZE>0  OWNERID=root  COLOR=yellow


	Thank you in advance,







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