timed alerts

Torsten Richter bb4 at richter-it.net
Wed Dec 10 23:11:46 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

Dear all,

is it possible with Hobbit 4.2.0 to time alerts?
I was asked this by colleagues. They want something that
if a yellow alert is displayed for more than a configurable
time that Hobbit/XYmon sets the state of this alert to red.
E.g. if the msgs test is continuously yellow for 1 day or week
the server automatically sets the state to red after this time.
In the company where I operate the monitoring solution we have
plenty of yellow alerts which get more or less ignored. So if
an alert is not resolved within a certain time it should go red
and tease the admins until they solve the problem.

If it is not possible with Hobbit 4.2.0 maybe it could be
integrated in one of the next releases?

Second question: I have Hobbit server set up with centralised
configuration. But some of the clients are running with local
configuration. What do I have to do to monitor the log files
like /var/log/messages on this client or check for the existence
of certain files.
At the moment I have the entries

"LOG /var/log/messages error" and "FILE /somedir/core NOEXIST" in
localclient.cfg on the client and also on the server in
hobbit-clients.cfg. But nothing is monitored.

Any help would be appreciated.

- --
| Richter IT-Consulting					  |
| E-mail  : bb4 [at] richter-it.net			  |
|							  |
| Homepage: http://www.richter-it.net/			  |
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