[hobbit] Don't make the pie higher!

Lennon, Padraig Padraig.Lennon at pioneerinvestments.com
Thu Aug 7 09:40:56 CEST 2008

How about itsysmon?

The domain itsysmon.com seems to be available...

Just my 2c 

Padraig Lennon
Senior Systems Engineer
Production Services
Pioneer Global Investments (Dublin)
5th Floor Georges Quay Plaza, Dublin 2
ext: 2081
Direct dial: 00353 1 480 2081

-----Original Message-----
From: Hobbit User in Richmond [mailto:hobbit at epperson.homelinux.net] 
Sent: 06 August 2008 17:05
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] Don't make the pie higher!

On Wed, August 6, 2008 09:40, Ward, Martin wrote:
> Vernon? You've really got to get outside more....

Sounds like he's been getting waaaay out there, to me.

I've never taken to any of the mythos that have guardians for only the
cardinal compass points.  The Zuni had it probably had it right, with
coverage for the four directions, but also the eagle protecting from
and the mole from below.

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