[hobbit] EXHOST regular expression syntax

Anna Jonna Armannsdottir annaj at hi.is
Tue Apr 22 11:48:55 CEST 2008

On þri, 2008-04-22 at 10:25 +0200, Johann Eggers wrote:
> Try using this:
> PROC dsmc EXHOST=%(jotunn.rhi.hi.is|bestla.rhi.hi.is)
> -Johann

Amazing! It works! :) 
I really do not understand this magic, but in fact 
the host jotunn.rhi.hi.is has a dsmc process running, 
but not the 42 hosts that are *.jotunn.rhi.hi.is and 
neither bestla.rhi.hi.is. 

Thank You wery much. :)   

Kær kveðja, Anna Jonna Ármannsdóttir,   %&   A: Because people read from top to bottom.
Unix Kerfisstjórn, Reiknistofnun HÍ   %&   Q: Why is top posting bad?

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