[hobbit] RE: Getting errors in bb-histlog.sh

pkc_mls pkc_mls at yahoo.fr
Mon Apr 21 17:22:32 CEST 2008

Thangappandi, Arun (Ge Money, consultant) a écrit :
> Yes I am using apache and in the errorlog I am getting the following error...
> =================
> Premature end of script headers: bb-histlog.sh, referer: http://hobbitserver/hobbit-cgi/bb-hist.sh?HISTFILE=<hostname>.conn&ENTRIES=50&IP=<IPADDRESS>&DISPLAYNAME=<IPADDRESS>
as far as I remember, you can try to run the script directly from 
command line.
what the output if you run the script on the hobbit server as the hobbit 
user ?
> ================
> Thanks & Regards,
> Arunkumar 

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