[hobbit] Setting up Disk usage Alarm level

Sigurður Guðbrandsson sigurdur at raforninn.is
Thu Sep 20 15:51:46 CEST 2007


I don't have any guidelines, except of course to look in the configure files for each client.

If you're going to configure a windows machine (BBWin) then I suggest changing the xml file located (most often anyways) in c:/program files/bbwin/etc/ and change the value from which the alert comes. I don't remember what the line says, but its under a subclass of <disk> or something like that.

As for configuring Linux clients, change ~hobbit/client/etc/localclient.cfg file. It should include instructions on how you can alter the defaults for that machine.

With regards, 


Sigurður Guðbrandsson

Raförninn ehf.

Suðurhlíð 35

105 Reykjavik | Iceland

sigurdur at raforninn.is | www.raforninn.is

Office: +(354) 552 2070

Mobile: +(354) 867 3573


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Jay B. Lapuz [mailto:rlapuz at fcpp.fujitsu.com] 
Sent: 20. september 2007 11:40
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Setting up Disk usage Alarm level

Good day!

Guys, I need your help again.
Is there someone here who have guidelines for setting up the alarm level for disk usage?
It's just that I can't defend it if I'm just going to set something without reference.

Please kindly share it to me. I just need it so badly.

Thank you very much!


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