Msgs issue on solaris 10 and a dns issue on centos 4.4

Joshua Krause joshuakrause at
Mon Sep 3 14:50:28 CEST 2007

First Issue:
I have a couple of solaris machines that range from 8-10 in versions.   
They all have the hobbit client installed on them and I am retrieving  
data back from all of them except for one.  On that one I get all of  
the tests I am checking for except the messages.  And I've looked on  
the server and there is a /var/adm/messages file and it has 644  
permissions like all of the other Hobbit Clients I run but this one  
doesn't report anything back.

Second Issue:
I am monitoring 2 dns servers running CentOS 4.4.  They are running  
the Hobbit Client and were working fine until I added a couple of DNS  
entries via webmin and had Webmin restart dns.  After dns restarted  
and came back up hobbit has it marked as down and it hasn't come back  
up in 4 days.  I have tried removing the hosts and making sure the  
logs are all removed.  But nothing has worked.

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