[hobbit] Paging -- HTML to Text

Sean R. Clark sclark at nyroc.rr.com
Tue Oct 23 19:12:19 CEST 2007

I pipe my alerts to a perl script
below is the stripping html portion - the main message is $body here :
# right below here i strip out html

$body =~ s{ <!          # comments begin with a `<!'
                        # followed by 0 or more comments;
    (.*?)               # this is actually to eat up comments in non 
                        # random places
     (                  # not suppose to have any white space here
                        # just a quick start; 
      --                # each comment starts with a `--'
        .*?             # and includes all text up to and including
      --                # the *next* occurrence of `--'
        \s*             # and may have trailing while space
                        #   (albeit not leading white space XXX)
     )+                 # repetire ad libitum  XXX should be * not +
    (.*?)               # trailing non comment text
   >                    # up to a `>'
    if ($1 || $3) {     # this silliness for embedded comments in tags
        "<!$1 $3>";
}gesx;                 # mutate into nada, nothing, and niente
$body =~ s{ <                    # opening angle bracket
    (?:                 # Non-backreffing grouping paren
         [^>'"] *       # 0 or more things that are neither > nor ' nor "
            |           #    or else
         ".*?"          # a section between double quotes (stingy match)
            |           #    or else
         '.*?'          # a section between single quotes (stingy match)
    ) +                 # repetire ad libitum
                        #  hm.... are null tags <> legal? XXX
   >                    # closing angle bracket
}{}gsx;                 # mutate into nada, nothing, and niente
$body =~ s{ (
        &              # an entity starts with a semicolon
            \x23\d+    # and is either a pound (#) and numbers
             |         #   or else
            \w+        # has alphanumunders up to a semi
        ;?             # a semi terminates AS DOES ANYTHING ELSE (XXX)
} {
    $entity{$2}        # if it's a known entity use that
        ||             #   but otherwise
        $1             # leave what we'd found; NO WARNINGS (XXX)
}gex;                  # execute replacement -- that's code not a string


From: James Wade [mailto:jkwade at futurefrontiers.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:34 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Paging -- HTML to Text

Can anyone point me to a good HTML to Text Converter?


I'm sending out pages and the incoming message is HTML,

but I want to send it out as text. I want to take all the HTML

imbedded in it out. I'm looking on the web, but I can't seem

to find anything that will allow me to pipe it through the command.







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